
Welcome to Revibe Counselling Services LLP. We are committed to assist our clients to conquer, achieve, and enhance quality of life.

For Adolescents:

  • Anxiety
  • Adjustment disorder
  • ADHD + executive functioning difficulties
  • Body image issues
  • Behavioral concerns
  • Challenges relating to sexual identity
  • Depression
  • Drug and/or alcohol use
  • Exam stress and learning difficulties
  • Family conflict
  • Panic and phobic disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Relationship and peer issues
  • Self-esteem challenges
  • Trouble sleeping

For Adults:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship issues
  • Parenting difficulties
  • Self-esteem difficulties
  • Alcohol and/or other drug issues
  • Difficulties relating to sexual identity
  • Sexual disorders
  • Pain management
  • Panic disorder
  • Phobic disorder
  • Problems sleeping
  • Adjustment disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Bereavement and coping with grief or loss
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder OCD
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD

For Couples & Families:

  • Couples counselling
  • Difficult communication patterns
  • Difficulties with commitment
  • Difficulties with a loved one’s family members
  • Pre-martial counselling
  • Parenting difficulties with separated families
  • Relationship breakdown
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Separation counselling
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For work places & Corporate:

  • Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) counselling
  • Work place counselling services
  • How to manage difficult colleagues or superiors
  • Executive & Life coaching
  • Juggling a career, relationship, family and health
  • Maintaining good mental health in a stressful job or workplace
  • Human Resource consultation

for students:

  •  Webinars and Seminars
  • Workshops on various Psychological topics
  • Internships in Counselling Psychology
  • Internships in various departments like HR, Marketing etc.
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Nature of Treatment will be: (i) Evaluation and treatment planning: Approximately 1-3 sessions, (ii) Intervention: Depends on many factors, such as the nature of your difficulties and readiness for change, (iii) Termination: Approximately 1-2 sessions, involves developing a “toolbox” of strategies that may be used to help you maintain your treatment gains and reduce the likelihood of relapse and/or reoccurrence. Treatment effectiveness varies from person to person. Discussing, working with, and changing thoughts, feelings, and behaviours may be painful and challenging at times.

At present we provide in-person counselling & psychotherapy at our Clinic situated at MEERUT.

We also provide Telephonic / Video call counselling to the world in English and Hindi Languages.

In English and Hindi langauges.

Highly personalized and/or private sessions are available for special clients who wants world class service at their doorsteps. For this we charge based on total time involved as well as other expenses paid by clients.

RCS follows standard protocols use by multiple countries to deal with client information and keep all data highly confidential.

Psychological records may include items such as personal information, progress notes, and evaluations, and will be shredded 7 years after your file has been closed. No information about you can be released to a third party without your prior written consent, or verbal consent in the case of an emergency. 

Exceptions include:

(1) when children are under 14 years of age, and their parents/legal guardians want access to the file, (2) risk of imminent danger, such as suicide, death, risk of a child running away, or serious bodily harm to an identifiable person or group, (3) suspected or known abuse or neglect of a child or older adult, (4) unsafe operation of a motor vehicle, (5) requests ordered by a court of law or by the Police with a written request, or (6) access is required by other personnel (e.g., administrative staff) to carry out their professional duties. Therapists must, as soon as the interest of their client so requires, receive supervision, consult another therapist, a member of another professional order, or another competent person. Disclosure of identifying information will be minimized, and names will not be released without consent. 

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